[自由讨论] 有趣的android submission
大家可以自己加,我从android challenge 里面看到有趣的就会贴过来。
==== 手势识别 ==== Now that i've submitted my project, i am finally confident enough to post it in the forums. My submission was a gesture recognition library, along with a sample app. built on it. I guess developing on the emulator can not provide a convincing PoC but i tried my best anyway. Any comments are appreciated. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7A6OHWfSOE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxwGMtNS_YA 扫描条形码 === 并自动找到相应产品的价格,信息甚至试听音乐 http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=bwhdXJuiO48 超级计算器 === 可以算函数,比如: x+4y=z x-y=-6 z+x+y=10 算出x,y,z http://youtube.com/watch?v=5wjLfImVf2U 天气预报 === ![]() gWeather uses a combination of weather applications and inteligent end user controls to provide needed weather information in an intuitive and efficient manner. gWeather uses Android’s GPS API’s providing the end user with weather forecasts from whatever location they find themselves. The application also supports a number of weather services including NOAA.com, Weather.com, Acuweather.com and the Google Weather API. Enkin === http://www.enkin.net/ http://youtube.com/watch?v=2V6MNp_tWG0 "Enkin" introduces a new handheld navigation concept. It displays location-based content in a unique way that bridges the gap between reality and classic map-like representations. It combines GPS, orientation sensors, 3D graphics, live video, several web services and a novel user interface into an intuitive and light navigation system for mobile devices. |
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